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Face you Fears

​In my experience, we are all scared of something. Fear can be healthy in certain situations, but it can also be very unhealthy. In my life, it is something to be faced daily and I’m sure that for many of you it’s the same. How many times a day do you think of something that frightens, intimidates or stresses you? No matter who you are, I’m pretty sure that it crosses your mind. I know that it certainly crosses mine.

You aren’t alone. We have medical aids, hospital plans and insurance, all based in fear in some way or another and the reality is that it is part of life. I have grown up in one of the most dangerous countries in the world and I know what it’s like to walk out your door and around your town with the fear of being raped, murdered or mugged. It is a constant thought in our minds. Fear is a poison in these cases. Being scared does not help you! It changes nothing. That is the cold hard truth of it. I am the last person who should be offering any advise on this subject but I would like to share a few thoughts that have helped me when I have come face to face with this age old enemy.

  1. RECOGNIZE: Recognize what it is that you are afraid of. They say that the first step to overcoming a problem is admitting that you have one, well, in this case it is the exact same thing. Unhealthy fear is a problem.

  2. FACE IT: You are stronger than you think. This is a very important thing to remember. This doesn’t mean you are invincible but it does mean you should face your fears head on. If you are scared of being attacked, take a self-defense class and learn how to fight. If you are scared of heights, go abseiling or sky-diving. For me, swimming with sharks and surfing waves over 4ft are some things I’m afraid of. So I have done both.  It doesn’t always mean the fear goes away, but it does mean that I know I have faced it and will continue to do so.

  3. TRUST: Since I was little I have always believed that Jesus is with me. Whenever I was scared I used to sing “Jesus Loves Me” and it always helped. As I have gotten older, that blind trust started to get shadowed with doubt. It takes constant reminding that even though I doubt, He doesn’t change and He is always with us. This has been the foundation for life to me.

Like I said, just a few thoughts. Remember you are never alone. 

- H

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